How Do I Connect My Work Laptop to My Home Monitor?

Posted by Repair Media on

Windows settings

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This depends on what ports your Laptop may have.

For example if your home monitor supports HDMI you can grab a HDMI cable and plug this from the Monitor or TV straight into the laptop.

 You didn't indicate, however I'm accepting your PC/Laptop doesn't have a USB-C association. In the event that it does, this ought to be simple. A straightforward USB-C to HDMI connector is all you have to get moving. For your situation, there may be an issue with the connector itself, which is something you should keep an eye on, state, Amazon, or anyplace else that is selling it. On the off chance that many individuals are detailing issues with the connector, it's conceivable that it's a junky gadget. It unquestionably occurs, and another connector may be all you need. (I utilize this one, and it's constantly functioned admirably for me.)

On the off chance that your PC just has USB 2.0, I'm practically ready to wager that something is out of control with your connector. Either it's underpowered, it simply isn't working right, or there's a contradiction with your working framework. Said connector likely has drivers that you'll have to introduce all together for your working framework to utilize it, so you should check the producer's site for those. What's more, in case I'm correct, a straightforward "USB to HDMI" link won't work right now—expecting you don't have that, as the connector is the basic segment. Provided that this is true, there's your concern in that spot.

You referenced that your PC has a docking station. I'd explore that, as it's conceivable said station has a worked in HDMI port or other presentation association that you can use to connect a subsequent screen. (I'd be shocked in the event that it didn't, however you never know!)



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